Winter is here!

I’ve been enjoying the cold days of winter.


Well, since my last post I had been healing from an oral surgery in which until this day, there still a little bump in my jaw. Fortunately  for me I was able to rely on my spinning and some felting while I was healing.

Amphora Amphora Australia Australia DSC_4718 DSC_4719 DSC_4723 DSC_4724DSC_4726

DSC_4725 Pathway Pathway Aubergine Aubergine Woodland Gnome Woodland Gnome DSC_4734 DSC_4737


Knitting and Spinning for a Blanket

 I had this urge to spin for a chunky blanket. I spun about 1 1/2 lb of Polwarth Top to be able to make it. I didn’t know how much yarn I would need before, so I just made a rough calculation as how much I needed to spin. Even that the logistics to make the blanket was simple (spin and knit a basic square), knitting it was another story. I used US 50 mm needles and it was a little hard at the beginning to get used to holding the gigantic needles. Nonetheless, I’m very happy with the end result.


Big Needles

Chunky Blnaket


See you soon!



More spinning

This is from a Malabrigo top that I got a couple of weeks ago in a new craft shop in Mill Valley called Once Around. While I was visiting the store it felt like being inside a candy store. I liked their array of merchandise and I couldn’t resist the impulse of purchasing some wool that was for sale. I think this color is called Mostaza (Mustard). I decided to spin a two ply yarn with it.

Malabrigo wool Malabrigo wool Malabrigo wool Malabrigo wool Malabrigo wool

And here is some plain white merino wool combined with some randomly picked sari silk threads and a little Angelina spark. I love the white against the bright jewel tone colors of the sari silk threads.

Merino and Sari Silk threads Merino and Sari Silk threads Merino and Sari Silk threads Merino and sari silk two ply yarn Merino and sari silk two ply yarn Merino and sari silk two ply yarn

I’m thinking of combining the sari silk thread with other colors and spin some more textural yarns.


Lazy Sunday

Well, kind of… I didn’t sleep well last night and as a consequence, I didn’t have the full energy to start a big felting project today, so I decided to finish spinning this roving that I started a few days ago. Obviously it will be a two ply yarn. This is my Tuscany colorway in SW Merino. It took me a while at first to get control  of the slippery fiber, but I’m rather enjoying it now.

Two ply Tuscany SW Merino

Two ply Tuscany SW Merino

Tuscany two ply




Lambtown Wool Festival

The date for The 27th Annual Lambtown Festival is getting closer!  This will be my second year and this time it seems that I will be selling indoors. I enjoyed being outside last year, but I didn’t realized that I was in a vulnerable place when the strong winds suddenly appeared and I wasn’t prepare at all to deal with it. My friend and I found an empty bucket that we filled with water and use it as a weight to stabilized my tent and keep it in place for the night. I went to my hotel room a bit worry. Notting happened, but it was no fun for a couple hours trying to figured out what to do! So, this year I sent my check early enough to secure my place indoors. Come by to see me and say hi. I will be in booth #36. Oh yeah, the date? Saturday October 5th and Sunday October 5 2013 from 10am to 6 pm.

On the other hand I’ve been felting a lot lately. Some of my work has been placed at Black Mountain Weavers in Point Reyes, and some still needs finished work to do. I’ve been building a pile of garments that need to be dyed. So, no photographs so far. Here is one scarf that I finished yesterday (that still needs to be dyed). This is alpaca and 15 micron merino with no silk backing. I wanted to make a scarf with holes all over.

Felted Scarf


Felted Scarf

I’ve been also having a good time spinning this little Shetland lambswool fleece that I got from my friend Mimi Luebberman. I’ve been spinning singles with the intention of knitting a cardigan with it. Although I’m getting a bit worry that I won’t have enough for a sweater and I don’t really like to knit vests.

Shetland Fleece


I might have to change my mind about knitting a vest unless I find another yarn that would work with these bulky singles.


TDF 2013 – Day 8 and 9

I finished my skein on Saturday, but not time for pictures. Weekends tends to be a little busier than normal. But I made time to spin for about an hour in order to be able to ply my yarn. I was to the point that I really needed to move on with this. Love the colors though.

TDF - Day 8

On Sunday, I started spinning some leftover Falkland from my Phat Fiber Samples contribution for July. This is my Abalone colorway. The wool has a nice grip, so I find it very useful for practicing my long draw spinning. I finished the first bobbin and tomorrow I will try to finish the second bobbin. That’s the plan so far. Today is a day of rest, so no spinning for me.

TDF Day 9
